Archive for the ‘Development’ Category

30May – A home for unfinished music.

Rifflet is an interesting project that lets musicians share unfinished parts of songs in the hope that other musicians can collaborate and combine musical ideas to form new ones.

Rifflet was produced for $0, in roughly two weeks, from idea to launch. It’s a great example of a solid idea executed very well for very little cash.

I heard from the sites founders, Jon and Kelly. They we’re more than helpful with helping me source this post.

It’s amazing how fast the Riffflet community is growing, and every day we hear from people about how much they love the site. We just had one member produce the first song built out of pieces on the site, so we’ve actually help something get created, which is really exciting.

I love little startups like this. They noticed a gap and they produced something quality for very little money to fill it. If more people were doing this the Internet would be a much better place.

There is already some good stuff going on over there. If you’re a musician check them out.



Muxtape & Muxfind are an awesome combination.

If you haven’t heard about muxtape yet you’re in for a treat. It’s a wonderfully simple website that lets you create “mix tapes” and share them with your friends. Launched in April they’ve already got some great traction and currently boast over 100,000 users.

The way the site is setup means it’s a great way of discovering new music you might not have otherwise listened to. Unfortunately up until now there has been no way of searching for songs within mix tapes that people have made so while it’s a great way of discovering new music it’s quite hard to find songs that you actually want to listen to.

Cue muxfind. A project by Jan Oberst that lets you search for songs on muxtape. You enter a song name and it’ll search the content of muxtape and bring back a list of mix tapes that include the song you specified. What’s great about this is that 9 times out of 10 the other songs that are in the same mix will be similar in style to the song you searched for and generally, you’ll like them.

That’s all wonderful, but the songs are still streaming from the internet. Although there is a way of downloading the songs to your computer so you can transfer them to your iPod and listen to them whenever you like. See the video tutorial below.


19May – Big Brother… on the web?

It’s rare that I find a site that I instantly fall in love with but Tengaged is one of those sites. The idea is simple. If you’ve ever watched or heard about “Big Brother” you’ll feel right at home.

Upon sign up you’re prompted to design your own charecter by scrolling through numerous different face, body, hair, eyes options to create a unique avatar that will be used throughout the rest of the game in a very “mii-esq” way.

After you’re registered you’re thrown into a “game” with 9 other users. A game lasts for 7 days and someone is “voted off” at the end of each day. To increase your chances of staying in the game you’re encouraged to interact with other members. Spark up conversations, post pictures, stories and generally try and keep the other members entertained, much like in the big brother house.

I spoke with Carlos Fernand, the guy behind Tengaged earlier today.

There is no point to have 2000 friends in your profile if you dont even know them, there was a need to create a different way to know people.

This is a really unique way of getting users to interact with one and other. I can see a lot of friendships being formed on this website. It’s really refreshing to see someone doing something completely new.

What’s even more impressive is that to date Carlos has only spent 1,000 Euros. Saving a lot of money by designing and developing the entire website himself.


15May – The career sharing network.

Have you ever wondered what the people working around you are making but are too scared to ask? Springraise might just be for you. It’s dubbed as a “Carreer sharing network” and let’s you track your “career curve” and compare it against others in your industry with similar experience levels as you.

Springraise isn’t quite let yet (launching May 21st) but you can see a preview of the app below.

Click for larger version.

So how does it work?

1. Enter your full background and employment information (past and present)
2. View your career over time to see how you compare to others like you
3. See the careers of others like you (in one click) and compare your career to theirs
4. Perform scenarios to see your career prospects
5. Discuss with others to learn how they made their career decisions

This video should give you a bit more of an insight to the concept and idea. I’m looking forward to seeing this one in action.


14May – Taking a shot at the social groups crown.

Intodit is a social group site offering services similar to Yahoo! Groups or Ning. Intodit let’s you create a group about (more or less) anything you like. Once your group is created you can then customize your group anyway you want and invite your friends to join.

While this might not be useful to a lot of tech-savvy people there is definitely a market for it. Everyone wants their little part of the internet and this service makes that easy. It’s also a great model for promotion with each group owner promoting their specific group and in-turn, promoting the main intodit website.

I spoke with Maurice Sikkink and found out a bit more about the service.

I have a few small communities running on very targeted niches, like home interior pictures and gardening. These sites only allow users to upload their home interior and garden pictures and create a profile. I wanted to create something that people could use to do more than only uploading pictures, so I thought people should be able to create a group for their own interest niche and fill it the blanks the way they want it.

Maurice has developed the entire site himself and to date has only spent $5 on the domain name (excluding server costs).

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