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11Apr Invites.

By Jon in Invites with 38 Comments

A few hours ago officially launched in private beta. As promised in my last write up, I have 25 invites to give away. If you want an invite comment on this post and i’ll send one over.

The design of the user interface has significantly changed from the first screen shot I posted and now has a slightly more uniform feel to it.

I’ve been messing about with for the past few hours and it’s a useful little service. Everything seems much simpler (following the KISS principal, Keep It Simple Stupid) compared to most other time tracking services.

Anyway, comment and i’ll send over an invite.

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Effectively track your time with ClockMe.In.

By Jon in Development with 6 Comments

I mentioned in this blogs first ever post that something we really wanted to try and push is coverage of the development process of startups and apps rather than just posting about them when they’re finished. is web application currently in development that lets you effectively track your time. Be it at work, college or wherever else you need to time and log events this app aims to be of service. I was talking to the developer earlier today and to date he has only spent $500 on the project and plans to spend only another $200(ish) more after launch for a bit of promotion. One thing that is massively in his favor when it comes to cost is that he is programming the entire thing himself. (He told me if someone requested a quote with the same features will have he would have charged around $5k. ) plans on having all the usual time tracking features separated into different projects. Unlike competitors there is no limit to the number of projects a user can have active at any specific time. There will also be ways to share projects with other users for collaborations and invoicing.

I managed to get my hands on some screen shots of the app UI. (click to enlarge)

Along with the somewhat expected features there is also a firefox plugin in the works that will let you clock in and out and manage projects without having to visit the website.

The site will be launching in private beta by the end of the week. I managed to acquire 25 beta invites which I will post up when the system supports them.

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