Posts Tagged ‘Scheduling’


Presdo – Make time to *insert thing here*

By David in Launched, Startups with 6 Comments

Presdo is a new online scheduling web application that makes scheduling extremely easy. Founder Eric Ly spent $35,000 of his own money developing Presdo, while coding most of the website himself. He quit his job at Linked In on Friday, and started developing Presdo on Saturday. That was back in April, 2006. Presdo was built using technologies such as Ruby on Rails, Ajax, and the LAMP stack.

The main page is a google inspired search box. It’s very simplistic, but works extremely well, and is straight forward to use. You just type in your upcoming event into the little search box, hit enter, and wait for the magic to happen.

Automatically Presdo stores the date (it knew when “next Saturday” was), and the people I’m meeting. I didn’t have to do anything – it was already there! It saved some of my precious time by not making me fill out those steps afterwords. Since Jon doesn’t wake up till 5pm, I’ll change our meeting time to 6pm. Again, very easy to do with a nice inline editor.

It’s very easy to add in a location, with the google map integration. If you’re a registered user, Presdo automatically shows public places at the location you registered with.

Presdo plans to impliment paid accounts in the future, and hopefully that will provide them with a steady revenue stream. I think Presdo hit upon a good market. Online scheduling is a competitive niche, but with the extreme ease of use, they achieved a good userbase. Without a lot of money and connections, you can’t (normally) target a niche head on. You need to put a new twist on an old idea, and that’s exactly what Presdo did.

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